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NURS 130护理助理 (6学分)
为学生提供课堂、实验室和临床经验. Successful completion fulfills requirements for eligibility to take the Nevada State Board of Nursing Certified Nursing Assistant examination. 提供冬季和夏季学期的浓缩课程,为期四周. 在秋季和春季学期提供为期八周的课程. 学生必须通过Complio购买一个包来跟踪临床依从性. 临床依从性包括, 学生必须获得劳工统计局认证, 有健康保险, 目前的两步结核病筛查,并满足复合体中所述的其他疫苗要求. 背景调查和药物筛选也将作为所需一揽子计划的一部分进行. Students are encouraged to complete the Complio package before class begins to ensure you are eligible to attend clinicals.


NURS 135护理基本概念 (8学分)
Introduction to basic concepts and competencies for the application of the nursing process in the care of diverse patients with common health alterations and to promote the health of individuals. 介绍安全的基本概念, 以病人为中心, 考虑到护士的法律和道德责任的循证护理. 还介绍了关怀, 临床推理, 质量改进, 沟通, 在与患者和跨专业团队成员互动时,团队合作. 强调基本的精神运动技能和获得与护理计划相关的患者信息. 五学分理论,三学分临床. 只提供秋季学期.



NURS 140医学术语 (3学分)
A study of word derivations and formations with emphasis on understanding of common usage in the health-care setting. 提供自定节奏的课程,对任何人开放.


NURS 154药理学导论 (1学分)
Basic principles of safe and effective medication administration and pharmacology of major drug classifications. 药物管理的原则,包括安全的最佳实践方面, 质量, 以病人为中心的护理. 包括信息学和媒体的使用,以获得基于证据的药物信息. 一个理论学分. 只提供秋季学期.



NURS 155药物治疗中的临床决策 (1学分)
Common drug therapy regimen and application of 临床推理 in management and monitoring of drug effects in acutely ill patients for safe, 质量, 循证护理. Focuses on patient teaching and the nurse as a member of the interprofessional team when providing pharmacological interventions. 一种信用理论. 只提供春季学期.



NURS 158健康和疾病中的成人护理 (5学分)
以护理基础为基础, this course provides for the acquisition and application of basic adult health nursing theory by applying 临床推理 and safe, 以证据为基础的, 以病人为中心, 全面护理为不同病人提供常见的急性健康问题. 注重促进健康. 包括关怀概念的应用, 临床推理, 质量改进, 沟通, 和团队合作, 考虑护士在照顾成年人时的法律和道德责任. 两学分理论,三学分临床. 只提供春季学期.



NURS 159心理健康与疾病护理 (3学分)
为安全心理健康护理理论的获取和应用提供依据, 以证据为基础的, 以病人为中心, holistic nursing care for diverse patients experiencing common acute and chronic mental health disorders and treatment modalities. 包括关怀概念的应用, 临床推理, 质量改进, 沟通, 和团队合作, considering legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse when working with patients with mental health disorders. 两学分理论,一学分临床. 只提供春季学期.



NURS 252 .育龄家庭的护理 (3学分)
提供了母婴安全护理理论的获取和应用, 以证据为基础的, 以家庭为中心的不同患者护理. 包括注重健康促进和关怀概念的应用, 临床推理, 质量改进, 沟通, 和团队合作, 考虑护士在与生育家庭一起工作时的法律和道德责任. 两学分理论,一学分临床. 只提供秋季学期.



NURS 253儿童和青少年护理 (3学分)
Provides for the acquisition and application of pediatric nursing theory by applying 临床推理 and safe, 以证据为基础的, 顾家的, 为患有急性和慢性健康问题的各类儿童和青少年提供全面护理. 包括注重健康促进, 以及关怀概念的应用, 临床推理, 质量改进, 沟通, 和团队合作, 考虑护士在照顾儿童和青少年时的法律和道德责任. 两学分理论,一学分临床. 只提供秋季学期.



NURS 257成人急慢性疾病的护理 (5学分)
Provides for the acquisition and application of adult health nursing theory by applying 临床推理 and safe, 以证据为基础的, 以病人为中心, holistic nursing care to diverse adults with acute illnesses and long-term management of chronic illnesses. 包括注重健康促进和关怀概念的应用, 临床推理, 质量改进, 沟通, 和团队合作, 考虑护士在与成年人一起工作时的法律和道德责任. 三学分理论,两学分临床. 只提供秋季学期.



NURS 258复杂健康问题患者 (5学分)
Provides for the acquisition and application of nursing theory for patients experiencing physiological crisis and end of life. 应用临床推理和安全, 以证据为基础的, 以病人为中心, 全面护理为不同病人提供复杂的健康问题. 包括对协作和护理管理的关注, 以及关怀概念的应用, 临床推理, 质量改进, 沟通, 和团队合作, considering legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse in the management of patients in crisis and at the end of life. 两学分理论,两学分临床. 只提供春季学期.



NURS 273专业发展和向实践的过渡 (3学分)
Provides for an examination of the impact of clinical microsystems and organizational culture on patient care delivery and nursing practice. Incorporates an analysis of professional development resources for nurses upon entry into practice to facilitate progress form novice to expert. 两学分理论. 只提供春季学期.



NURS 285护理学专题 (0.5 - 6学分)
选择护理主题提供一般的兴趣和护理继续教育. 不是必修课. 没有先决条件. 无限的可重复性.


NURS 312健康评估和健康促进 (3学分)
探索不同和服务不足的人群的医疗保健需求的评估. The importance of the nurse in identifying health promotion and disease prevention issues for individuals and communities is explored. Refines and expands the nurse's perspective on health assessment through integration of an expanded knowledge base in ethnic and cultural variations, 危险行为, 以及人群中常见的健康偏差.


NURS 326过渡到专业护理 (5学分)
This course serves as a bridge between the student's current views and those that are presented throughout the program related to the major program concepts and differentiates the baccalaureate program from the AD program at Great Basin College. The course provides an overview of the major areas of nursing studied in more depth throughout the RN and BSN program including: current healthcare systems including rural health and agencies serving underserved populations; 质量改进; nursing research and 以证据为基础的 practice; collaborative relationships with the interprofessional team; leadership principles and 理论; and information management.



病理生理学 (3学分)
Explores the pathophysiologic processes associated with common chronic and acute health problems across the lifespan. 包含了年龄的影响, 种族, 以及疾病发展和解决的文化模式. The evidence base supporting current knowledge of disease processes and common health problems is explored.


信息系统和质量管理 (4学分)
This course examines the role of information systems and 质量改进 processes used to monitor and improve healthcare outcomes. 涵盖使用信息管理来影响成本、安全和护理协调. 包括适应农村环境中的信息获取和管理.


NURS 420循证护理实践与研究 (3学分)
向学生介绍护士作为一个不断发展的学者使用的研究过程, 包括解释已发表的研究成果的技能, 作为最佳实践基础的护理科学, 以及医疗环境中基于证据的质量改进措施. 伦理学的应用, 法律原则, 在进行研究过程中要考虑专业标准.

前提条件:必须完成或在NURS 326注册,并接受RN-BSN计划.


以人口为中心的社区卫生理论 (4学分)
Synthesis of community and public health nursing concepts and 理论 for health promotion and disease prevention of rural communities and underserved populations. 护理概念在这些人群健康促进和疾病预防计划中的应用.

前提条件:必须完成或正在采取NURS 326,并接受RN-BSN计划.


以人口为重点的社区保健实习 (4学分)
Students engage in experiential learning activities that focus on application of public/community health nursing concepts to promote optimum health and wellness for rural communities and underserved populations. 结合以项目为中心的小组工作和跨专业的计划和干预.

前提条件:必须已经完成或在NURS 429注册,并接受RN-BSN计划.


农村环境中的多样性和保健政策 (3学分)
学生将探讨多样性和医疗保健政策对当地的影响, 国家和全球医疗公平问题, 访问, 可购性, 以及社会公正. 结合护理实践的分析,提高文化能力, 影响卫生政策,从而改善获得医疗保健的机会, 减少了健康差距.


护理领导与管理理论 (4学分)
The course explores leadership and management concepts essential for professional nursing practice in current, 多样化的医疗环境. Examines the responsibilities of the professional nurse as a leader within structured and unstructured healthcare systems working with the interprofessional healthcare team. 探讨护理成本, 安全, 法律指南, 管理因素, 以及病人满意度的测量.

前提条件:必须完成或正在采取NURS 326,并接受RN-BSN计划.


护理领导与管理实习 (4学分)
Students engage in experiential learning activities that focus on application of leadership and management concepts, 理论, 角色, 以及与选定组织或临床领域的领导或管理问题相关的证据. 包括在项目开发和实施中与导师和教员合作.

前提条件:必须完成NURS 443并接受RN-BSN计划.


NURS 456高级综合研讨会 (5学分)
这门主要的高级专题课程让学生深入探索实践领域/问题, 整合在文科中获得的知识, 科学, 以及护理学士学位课程. Students also identify areas of professional opportunities and continuing education as methods for engaging in life-long learning.

Prerequisite: Must have completed six (6) upper division NURS courses and be accepted to the RN-BSN program.

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